Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You are what you eat, Imogen.

What did you eat today?
Pumpkin bread, Rainier cherry tart with dried flower petals, hazelnut latte. But the day is still young. Hoping for masala dosas for dinner.

What do you never eat?

Nacho cheese, pork and beans in a can, natto, black licorice, rice with soy sauce on it, ice cream with any peanut butter component, Fruit Loops. Poorly cooked anything, or anything that I'm ambivalent about, in ideal circumstances.

Complete this sentence: In my refrigerator, you can always find...

Old fashioned mustard, milk, sambal oelek, leafy greens, egg whites, beer. Jam I made myself. I have a definite preference for pungent things, as a rule. We usually have ice cream or an ice cream derivative in the freezer, too, and a big old chunk of Callebaut chocolate for baking.

What is your favorite kitchen item?

My Global knives.

Where do you eat out most frequently?

$3 breakfast at Bon's off Broadway. Sushi at Daimasu in Metrotown. Dinners out lately seem to be mostly sushi or diner breakfast at all hours, but other favourites include Sai-Z for special occasions, Congee Noodle House when I'm sick or sad (if chicken soup is Jewish penicillin, then chicken congee must be Chinese penicillin). Vietnamese subs. Chinese egg tarts.

World ends tomorrow. What would you like for your last meal?

Really good sushi, particularly mackerel and spicy tuna. Buttered toast. Prosciutto e melone. Oysters. Raw and fried and salt-baked with aioli. Eclairs. Okanagan peaches and cherries. Dense chocolate chai cake with ganache and edible flowers. Pea shoots. Bon's coffee.

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